Sunday afternoon, a legendary cricket team Premiership, the Marelybone Cricket Club (MCC) in a friendly competition faced a selection of the association of cricket clubs in the South West (ACCSO). The MCC is the largest cricket club in the world, it has 22,000 members scattered throughout the world and this year it will play on all continents and during its movement in our country until the end of the week, he will meet the team of France in Paris twice. Just off the plane at Merignac players went to Giscours Labarde to where the match took place on the grounds of Bordeaux Giscours Cricket Club. Hosted by Marc Verpaalen director proprièté but also "social secretary" of Bordeaux Giscours Cricket Club, he shows visitors the splendid vineyards and taste the wine Grand Cru Classé Margaux appellation.
This young club was champion of France of the second division in 2009 is housed in Giscours in 2008. Among the memories evoke beloved of its members, a trip to Windsor Castle for a meeting with the Royal Household Cricket Club which His Majesty attended. The ACCSO includes ten clubs which were selected among the 11 players, including three locals, who faced the MCC. In France the cricket is still a confidential sport, then it is one of those most practiced in the world, the number of licensees, 1500, does not allow the discipline to have its own federation is linked to that of baseball. Also, around the lawn few people were able to judge the performance of the players. Thankfully surrounded by Benedict Tiedrez member Bordeaux Giscours Cricket Club and David Bordes national coach, it was possible within 4 hours game time, to acquire a basic knowledge to understand the basic rules and do not applaud against time. The greenery surrounding the old lawn polo field, the beautiful weather and the "drinkable" pink castle, everything was perfect ... except the score, logic according to experts, who saw the British victory 201-152.